This is a YouTube video discussing on two ancient Chinese philosophers, Laozi and Zhuangzi with Professor Yi Zhong Tian. This show is under 百家讲坛--百家争鸣 series from CCTV.
Below is the video from YouTube:

The wisdom of life legacy by Laozi can be summarized by four characters—弱者生存(the weak will survive). We know what is evolution. We view "evolution as the survival of the fittest through natural selections" ("天择物竞 适者生存"). His view is as "the weak will survive through natural selection" ("天择物竞 弱者生存"). Regarding a story on Laozi with many variations. This is from Imperial overview from the Taiping<<太平御覽>> version.
Laozi has a teacher named "Shang rong"("商容"). There is no historical records on Shang Rong. Once Shang Rong got very sick and Laozi, as his student, went to visit his teacher.
Laozi asked, "Does teacher has any last words for his student?
Shang Rong said, "When passing by your hometown, remember to get off. Do you understand?"
Laozi replied, "Yes. One must not forget his roots."
Shang Rong said, "Walk faster in small steps when passing a big tree. Do you understand?"
Laozi replied, "Yes. One must respect the elderly."
Then Shang Rong opened his mouth and asked, "Is my tongue still here?"
Laozi replied, "Yes."
Shang Rong asked again, "Is my teeth still here?"
Laozi replied, "No."
Shang Rong asked, "Do you understand what it means?"
Laozi replied, "Hmm… Does it mean strong will perish and weak will survive?"(非謂剛亡而弱存乎?)
Shang Rong replied, "Hee! This is everything in this world. All the principles are in this sentence."("嘻!天下事盡矣。")
"Weak will survive as strong will perish" ("剛亡而弱存"). Therefore, Laozi's perspective is survival of the weak. Laozi asked what is weakest in the world? Water. What is most Invincible? Water. Fire is very powerful but water can put out fire. Rock is so hard but water can go through it. When tsunami comes, there is nothing left. Therefore, "the softest in the world is also the hardest in the world"("天下之至柔就是天下之至刚"). Laozi keeps emphasizing man must be softer, weaker, low profile, laid back a bit, don't be headstrong. Who most admire this perspective? Hanfeizi. Hanfeizi's book has these two chapters. One chapter is "understanding aged"("解老") and another chapter is "desire of aged"("喻老"). These are the insights gained by HanfeiZi after reading Laozi's book called "HanFei《Laozi》insights"("韩非子《老子》心得"). This "HanFei《Laozi》insights" is very interesting by telling stories. For example in "desire of aged" chapter("喻老"), there is a story about "king Chuzhuang" ("楚庄王") and "Sun Shu Ao" ("孙叔敖"). King Chu was one of the five feudal lords in Spring Autumn Warring states. His advisor named Shu Ao, helped King Chu achieve his ambition as a feudal lord. But Shu Ao , when alive, refused to accept any rewards from King Chu. Upon death, Shu Ao called his son.
ShuAo said, "Son, Your father has made numerous achievements. The king has tried to reward me many times but I refused. Therefore, when I died, the King would sure to reward you instead. You are unable to refuse as you don't have such status. You can only accept. What can you do?"
Shu Ao son, replied, "I will listen to father's advice."
Shu Ao said, "You must remember when King wants to give you land, you must remember to choose the worst land in the kingdom. Then you will be safe."
Shu Ao son replied, "I will surely take your advice."
As predicted, once Shu Ao died, the king finally found a chance to reward Shu Ao's son a piece of land. Shu Ao's son then chose the worst land. According to Chu kingdom's law, land rewarded by King must be returned after two generations. Every land rewarded to ministers were taken back except Shu Ao's son land. Why? Cos nobody wants it.
Hanfeizi said this is what is taught by Laozi, "《善建者不拔 善抱者不脱—老子。第五十四章》". "善建者不拔" means once you build a building on a land, there is nobody who wants to take it away. "善抱者不脱" means once you hug someone, no one wants to escape. We must understand that Laozi does not mean how structurally strong the foundation of building is or holding a person tightly. Is not having the thought of taking the building or escaping the hug. Must totally kill any such thoughts in the first place. How do we prevent such intentions? Very simple. Make it lousy. When the land needs to be returned, choose the worst land and nobody wants it back. For example, when choosing a wife. You look for an ugly woman. If you find beautiful woman to stay at home, she would be "unfaithful".("红杏出墙"). "A person in a high position is liable to be attacked"("树大招风"). In Xiameng, where he stays, there are typhoons occurring every year. Trees are uprooted but not grass. This is meant by "善建者不拔".
The entire book by Laozi is mainly explaining the wisdom of the survival of the weak. Ultimately, bores down to Hanfeizi's words, "gentleness can ovecome strength, the weak overcame the strong, do nothing to achieve everything" ("柔能克刚 弱能胜强 无为则无不为"). "无为则无不为" is "doing nothing against nature, the nature will make you achieve everything you do". Laozi also emphasized do not believe the strong is strong and weak is weak. Being carefree is the safest.
Laozi also pointed out how the weak overcame the strong is to "pretend"("装"), "endure"("忍"), "yield"("让"). When studying Laozi's book, we noticed that he like to use the word "seems“("若"). Like "most straight but seems curved"("大直若屈") or "most nibble but seems clumsy" ("大巧若拙"). These later developed a Chinese phrase "most smart but seems dull"("大智若愚"). This word Zhang Xunhui has a conclusion that "all is pretendance" ("不外一个装字"), meaning need to pretend. The most pretentious person in Chinese History is Sima Yi, pretend to be helpless and miserable, pretend to be sick, pretend to be bed-ridden, even when someone stabbed him he still does not move and he succeed in the end.
Next is "endure"(忍). The "King Yue Goujian"("越王勾践") sent to Wu Kingdom as a slave and when King Wu was sick and he tasted his shit. Hanxing endured the humiliation of walking under the legs of a person. Laozi's writing is "Men who are brave and daring will be killed. Men who are brave and not daring will stay alive"("勇于敢则杀 勇于不敢则活 -《老子。第七十三章》"). The important note is Laozi's "wordings"("提法"). One wording is people he called daring, which are courageous and dare to take action, died. Another wording is people he called not daring, is courageous even they don't dare to take action, survived. This is different from our common understanding that those who do not dare to dash forward are not courageous. Laozi said it is not, "not dare"("不敢"), is "dare not"("敢不"). Important point to note is to Laozi, even to the extent that not taking action requires more courage than taking action called "brave to not daring"("勇于不敢"). Dare not is very difficult. We watch historical shows the official trials a case. Called up a commoner, slammed the gavel and demanded dare not speak the truth? Most commoners would be so scared and replied I would not dare lie. Su Dongpo(苏东破) summarized as "a man of great courage looks like a coward"("大勇若怯"). The biggest courage looks like cowardice. Therefore those who are good at war, never mistook the other party's enduring as cowardice. Then you will be in trouble. He is dare not, not not dare.
Then is yield(让). Is "back off a little for everything"(凡事要让三分). There is a legend regarding a high official in Qing Dynasty. When his neighbor builds their house occupies some of his estate space, his family wrote him a letter to settle this matter. He replied the letter with a poem "Letter from far away home just for a wall, no issue yielding just thee inches. Today Great Wall’s standing still firm, who met Emperor Qin of Qin Kingdom?"(“千里家书只为墙,让他三尺又何妨。长城万里今犹在,不见当年秦始皇。” — 六尺巷). His family understood his intention and gave up three feet of land. The neighbor is touched by this official and also gave up three feet of his land. Then, a six feet lane (六尺巷) between the two houses was formed. This is a famous story.
Pretend, endure and yield are what Laozi advocates the weak to survive. Is this correct? Correct in a certain sense. Do not be too harsh for any matters, if can endure, if can yield, so be it. Tall thing easy to break. White things easy to stain"("峣峣者易折 皎皎者易污"). This has its own reasons but also has its problems. The problem is if everyone follows Laozi's perspective, how can we progress? If nobody dare to be first, only backs away when matters occurs, or a saying "learn to hide in your shell like a tortoise"("近来學得乌龟法"), how can man progress? This is the first problem. The second question is pretend, endure and yield dependable? Sheep are the weak. They are gentle and low profile, so wolf would not be concerned about them? His opinion to this problem is needing to split into two parts. I have a kid who suggested "be passionate in work yet stay modest in life" ("高端做事 低调做人"), which he agrees with. When working, do your best but be modest as an individual. There is also a root problem, is when we inherit Laozi's legacy, we must understand why we need to be concerned about "behavior"("做人") ? Only with this understanding then we can think how to behave. The above examples of "King Yue Goujian"("越王勾践") , endure, yield, pretend succeed, is it good? Does King Yue Goujian worth learning from? He detest this person. After King Yue succeed, what did he do? He awarded Minister Wenzhong a precious sword. Minister Wenzhong helped him to be successful. He said, "mister has given me seven ways to eliminate Wu Kingdom. I used three to conquer Wu Kingdom. I have no use for the last four ways, so mister can use for yourself." Too vicious. Fanyu actually noticed this and told Wenzhong that they should leave immediately after success. "After the cunning hare is killed,the hound is boiled. When all birds are shot the bow will be set aside"("狡兔死 走狗烹 高鸟尽 良弓藏"). Wenzhong refused to listen and finally committed suicide. What is the significance of King Yue after such succeed? His pretend, endure and yield only made him "a psychopath".("心里变态"). He totally flipped. After success, he went to vent his frustration. So do not simply say what Laozi said is right or wrong, we must understand why we need to be concern about behavior. LaoZi is unable to answer. Even Laozi advocates "inaction"("无为". Another meaning is "letting things take their own course"), Laozi's "inaction"("无为") is unreal. In practical terms it is still needs "action" ("有为"). it is action through inaction("无为而无不为"). This is an adventurist("野心家"). The person who can answer why we are concern about behavior("做人") is the third most important person in Taoism, Zhuangzi.
Zhuangzi is very difficult to say. LaoZi too. Various sages(诸子)as well.
There is a story in Zhuangzi. Qi Huaigong was reading during "court"("堂上"). There is a carpenter named "Lunbian"("轮扁") according to the book below court making a cart wheel.
Lunbian asked, "Your "Sovereign"("君主"), what are you doing?"
Huaigong replied, "Reading."
Lubian asked, "What are you reading?"
Huaigong replied,""Holy"("圣贤") book."
Lubian asked, "Is the holy man still around?"
Huaigong replied, "He died."
Lubian said, "Then you are reading holy man's "rubbish"("糟粕")."
Huaigong asked,"What do you mean? Your sovereign is reading in court. Why is a carpenter talking rubbish here? If you can give me a reason, you will be excused or else."
Lubian replied, "I am a carpenter making cart wheels. I made wheels all my life. I know how to make and assemble a wheel and I can also pass on this knowledge to my son and disciples. But when the wheel is assembled on the "axle"("车轴"), if too tight, it is not flexible. If too loose, it is not secure enough. How to assemble correctly, not too loose or too tight, I really cannot say. Not able to pass on this knowledge to my disciples. Meaning such essence cannot be said. Those can be said is rubbish, so you are reading rubbish."
This is troublesome as here, he can only say rubbish on Zhuangzi. This is still not the hardest reason that Zhuangzi has to say. The main reason is Zhuangzi brought up a very "critical question"("尖锐的问题"),why is the reason for human to live? "Yangzhu"("杨朱") replied, “Since people live, live well. Living each day to the fullest"("人既然活着,那就好好活着。过好自己的每一天。"). This is still a reply but there is a problem with the reply. What do you mean by "live well"("好好活着")? What is "living each day to the fullest"("过好每一天")? Indulge in eating and drinking? Traveling? Lots of money? Zhuangzi's reply is "authentic and live freely"(真实而自由地活着) .
Zhuangzi advocates in life (庄子对人生的定义):
Zhuangzi has a story.
"Old Dan"(老聃) pass away. His friend came to his funeral to give "condolences"("吊唁"). He cried three times and stopped.
Old Dan's student asked, "Mister, are you my master's friend?"
Friend said, "Yes. We are good friends."
Old Dan's student asked, "Since you are such good friends, never seen people give condolences like you."
Friend said, "I initially wanted to come and cry my heart out but when I came in, I saw many people crying. I thought are they all friends of your late master? Not possible, right? Therefore those who came, must have people who do not want to cry but still cried. Have no grieve but acted grieve. This is "fake"("虚伪"). Therefore, I only cried three times and stopped."
From this story, we can see that Zhuangzi "advocates authenticity"("主张真实") and "freedom"("自由"). Zhuangzi said eagles are meant to fly in the sky. Fishes are meant to swim in the water. This is freedom. Zhuangzi and HuiZi is debate on "The fish are out swimming about. That is the 'Joy of Fish.'"(“儵鱼出游从容,是鱼之乐也”(《庄子·秋水》). He said this because he is free. Fishes swimming freely in the water, this is authentic living. Therefore authentic and freedom living is "recklessness"(“率性”). Whichever kind of person you are, you live your own way of life. What does that means? Is it mean that poor people chose to live in hardship, and rich people live in prosperity? No. Zhuangzi does not have living in hardship or prosperity, only real or fictitious living. For example, Mozi(墨子) is willing to live in hardship. Then living in hardship is good for him. If you are unwilling to live in hardship and someone forced you to do that, then it is wrong. It is this meaning.
Zhuangzi has a chapter on Horses' Hoofs《庄子·马蹄》. The horse's hoofs can treading frost and snow. Their coats for keeping out wind and cold. Drinks when there is water, eats grass when there is grass. Gallop freely on grassland. This is horses' free and authentic living. But came a guy named Bole(伯乐). He said he can train horses and put on martingale and puts on horseshoes. This A third of the horses died. Then trains the horse to take orders. Half of the horses died. Zhuangzi said, "Even if this horse is an olympic champion, so what? Not authentic and free at all. Therefore, ZhuangZi said everyone should not take their own lifestyle and perspective and force it onto others. Everyone has their own choices. Maybe it looks like hardship to you but if you provide them what you think is good for them, they suffers.
Zhuangzi have another story《庄子·至乐》. There is a bird flew to Lu capital. The marquis of Lu was delighted and want to treat the bird well. He kept it in a golden cage and laid "a feast in front of the cage with musician playing music"("钟鸣鼎食"). However, the bird refused to eat and drink and finally died. It was scared to death. Does marquis of Lu has any bad intention? No. Good intention but messes things.
Even if you truly have no bad intention on forcing people your lifestyle and perspective, it is still wrong. If you have any bad intentions, it is even worse.
Zhuangzi has another story《庄子·达生》about a official in-charge of sacrifice rituals. Once he visited a pigsty. These pigs were meant to be used as sacrifices in a ritual. The official thinks that pigs are depressed and wanted to chat with pigs. He dressed proper and spoke to the pig, "Why are you scared of dying? I will treat you well, fatten you for three months with the best food. Ten days before killing you, will bath you well and fast. Finally, will lay clean hay for you to rest. Then lay your shoulders and rump on the carved sacrificial stand. What do you think?" The pig said nothing. If he was the pig, he would reply, "So what?" Zhuangzi said if you really care for the pig, you should let it stay in the pigsty and eat chaff. Zhuangzi also said humans are the same. The best way of living is the choice that you made for yourself. The kind of life you look forward to. Not just because everyone thinks there is the best way of living, you sacrificed your freedom for your pursue of authentic living. But now everyone wanted to to live in prosperity in life and honorable upon death. Keep thinking of after death, where to bury and what ritual to perform. Zhuangzi said isn't this the same as lay your shoulders and rump on the carved sacrificial stand? This logic even pigs understands but humans don't?
What is Zhuangzi's attitude towards living? Confucius has a saying, "Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you." (“己所不欲,勿施于人”《论语·颜渊》). This phrase is very amazing. Zhuangzi is more advance than Confucius, by saying "Even if you like it, do not do to others"("己所甚欲,也勿施于人。"). This is impressive. Our biggest mistake is forcing people with good intentions to do what they are unwilling to do. What will you do in such a situation? If an adult, must learn to say "NO." Learn to reject. Where did Zhuangzi get such perspective? From Laozi. Therefore we always say LaoZhuang philosophy (老庄哲学).
Below is the video from YouTube:

Yi Zhongtian 易中天 (born 8 February 1947) is a Chinese writer and historian. He is also a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Xiamen University's School of Humanities.
This show is under 百家讲坛--先秦诸子百家争鸣 series from CCTV.
This show is under 百家讲坛--先秦诸子百家争鸣 series from CCTV.
The wisdom of life legacy by Laozi can be summarized by four characters—弱者生存(the weak will survive). We know what is evolution. We view "evolution as the survival of the fittest through natural selections" ("天择物竞 适者生存"). His view is as "the weak will survive through natural selection" ("天择物竞 弱者生存"). Regarding a story on Laozi with many variations. This is from Imperial overview from the Taiping<<太平御覽>> version.
Laozi has a teacher named "Shang rong"("商容"). There is no historical records on Shang Rong. Once Shang Rong got very sick and Laozi, as his student, went to visit his teacher.
Laozi asked, "Does teacher has any last words for his student?
Shang Rong said, "When passing by your hometown, remember to get off. Do you understand?"
Laozi replied, "Yes. One must not forget his roots."
Shang Rong said, "Walk faster in small steps when passing a big tree. Do you understand?"
Laozi replied, "Yes. One must respect the elderly."
Then Shang Rong opened his mouth and asked, "Is my tongue still here?"
Laozi replied, "Yes."
Shang Rong asked again, "Is my teeth still here?"
Laozi replied, "No."
Shang Rong asked, "Do you understand what it means?"
Laozi replied, "Hmm… Does it mean strong will perish and weak will survive?"(非謂剛亡而弱存乎?)
Shang Rong replied, "Hee! This is everything in this world. All the principles are in this sentence."("嘻!天下事盡矣。")
"Weak will survive as strong will perish" ("剛亡而弱存"). Therefore, Laozi's perspective is survival of the weak. Laozi asked what is weakest in the world? Water. What is most Invincible? Water. Fire is very powerful but water can put out fire. Rock is so hard but water can go through it. When tsunami comes, there is nothing left. Therefore, "the softest in the world is also the hardest in the world"("天下之至柔就是天下之至刚"). Laozi keeps emphasizing man must be softer, weaker, low profile, laid back a bit, don't be headstrong. Who most admire this perspective? Hanfeizi. Hanfeizi's book has these two chapters. One chapter is "understanding aged"("解老") and another chapter is "desire of aged"("喻老"). These are the insights gained by HanfeiZi after reading Laozi's book called "HanFei《Laozi》insights"("韩非子《老子》心得"). This "HanFei《Laozi》insights" is very interesting by telling stories. For example in "desire of aged" chapter("喻老"), there is a story about "king Chuzhuang" ("楚庄王") and "Sun Shu Ao" ("孙叔敖"). King Chu was one of the five feudal lords in Spring Autumn Warring states. His advisor named Shu Ao, helped King Chu achieve his ambition as a feudal lord. But Shu Ao , when alive, refused to accept any rewards from King Chu. Upon death, Shu Ao called his son.
ShuAo said, "Son, Your father has made numerous achievements. The king has tried to reward me many times but I refused. Therefore, when I died, the King would sure to reward you instead. You are unable to refuse as you don't have such status. You can only accept. What can you do?"
Shu Ao son, replied, "I will listen to father's advice."
Shu Ao said, "You must remember when King wants to give you land, you must remember to choose the worst land in the kingdom. Then you will be safe."
Shu Ao son replied, "I will surely take your advice."
As predicted, once Shu Ao died, the king finally found a chance to reward Shu Ao's son a piece of land. Shu Ao's son then chose the worst land. According to Chu kingdom's law, land rewarded by King must be returned after two generations. Every land rewarded to ministers were taken back except Shu Ao's son land. Why? Cos nobody wants it.
Hanfeizi said this is what is taught by Laozi, "《善建者不拔 善抱者不脱—老子。第五十四章》". "善建者不拔" means once you build a building on a land, there is nobody who wants to take it away. "善抱者不脱" means once you hug someone, no one wants to escape. We must understand that Laozi does not mean how structurally strong the foundation of building is or holding a person tightly. Is not having the thought of taking the building or escaping the hug. Must totally kill any such thoughts in the first place. How do we prevent such intentions? Very simple. Make it lousy. When the land needs to be returned, choose the worst land and nobody wants it back. For example, when choosing a wife. You look for an ugly woman. If you find beautiful woman to stay at home, she would be "unfaithful".("红杏出墙"). "A person in a high position is liable to be attacked"("树大招风"). In Xiameng, where he stays, there are typhoons occurring every year. Trees are uprooted but not grass. This is meant by "善建者不拔".
The entire book by Laozi is mainly explaining the wisdom of the survival of the weak. Ultimately, bores down to Hanfeizi's words, "gentleness can ovecome strength, the weak overcame the strong, do nothing to achieve everything" ("柔能克刚 弱能胜强 无为则无不为"). "无为则无不为" is "doing nothing against nature, the nature will make you achieve everything you do". Laozi also emphasized do not believe the strong is strong and weak is weak. Being carefree is the safest.
Laozi also pointed out how the weak overcame the strong is to "pretend"("装"), "endure"("忍"), "yield"("让"). When studying Laozi's book, we noticed that he like to use the word "seems“("若"). Like "most straight but seems curved"("大直若屈") or "most nibble but seems clumsy" ("大巧若拙"). These later developed a Chinese phrase "most smart but seems dull"("大智若愚"). This word Zhang Xunhui has a conclusion that "all is pretendance" ("不外一个装字"), meaning need to pretend. The most pretentious person in Chinese History is Sima Yi, pretend to be helpless and miserable, pretend to be sick, pretend to be bed-ridden, even when someone stabbed him he still does not move and he succeed in the end.
Next is "endure"(忍). The "King Yue Goujian"("越王勾践") sent to Wu Kingdom as a slave and when King Wu was sick and he tasted his shit. Hanxing endured the humiliation of walking under the legs of a person. Laozi's writing is "Men who are brave and daring will be killed. Men who are brave and not daring will stay alive"("勇于敢则杀 勇于不敢则活 -《老子。第七十三章》"). The important note is Laozi's "wordings"("提法"). One wording is people he called daring, which are courageous and dare to take action, died. Another wording is people he called not daring, is courageous even they don't dare to take action, survived. This is different from our common understanding that those who do not dare to dash forward are not courageous. Laozi said it is not, "not dare"("不敢"), is "dare not"("敢不"). Important point to note is to Laozi, even to the extent that not taking action requires more courage than taking action called "brave to not daring"("勇于不敢"). Dare not is very difficult. We watch historical shows the official trials a case. Called up a commoner, slammed the gavel and demanded dare not speak the truth? Most commoners would be so scared and replied I would not dare lie. Su Dongpo(苏东破) summarized as "a man of great courage looks like a coward"("大勇若怯"). The biggest courage looks like cowardice. Therefore those who are good at war, never mistook the other party's enduring as cowardice. Then you will be in trouble. He is dare not, not not dare.
Then is yield(让). Is "back off a little for everything"(凡事要让三分). There is a legend regarding a high official in Qing Dynasty. When his neighbor builds their house occupies some of his estate space, his family wrote him a letter to settle this matter. He replied the letter with a poem "Letter from far away home just for a wall, no issue yielding just thee inches. Today Great Wall’s standing still firm, who met Emperor Qin of Qin Kingdom?"(“千里家书只为墙,让他三尺又何妨。长城万里今犹在,不见当年秦始皇。” — 六尺巷). His family understood his intention and gave up three feet of land. The neighbor is touched by this official and also gave up three feet of his land. Then, a six feet lane (六尺巷) between the two houses was formed. This is a famous story.
Pretend, endure and yield are what Laozi advocates the weak to survive. Is this correct? Correct in a certain sense. Do not be too harsh for any matters, if can endure, if can yield, so be it. Tall thing easy to break. White things easy to stain"("峣峣者易折 皎皎者易污"). This has its own reasons but also has its problems. The problem is if everyone follows Laozi's perspective, how can we progress? If nobody dare to be first, only backs away when matters occurs, or a saying "learn to hide in your shell like a tortoise"("近来學得乌龟法"), how can man progress? This is the first problem. The second question is pretend, endure and yield dependable? Sheep are the weak. They are gentle and low profile, so wolf would not be concerned about them? His opinion to this problem is needing to split into two parts. I have a kid who suggested "be passionate in work yet stay modest in life" ("高端做事 低调做人"), which he agrees with. When working, do your best but be modest as an individual. There is also a root problem, is when we inherit Laozi's legacy, we must understand why we need to be concerned about "behavior"("做人") ? Only with this understanding then we can think how to behave. The above examples of "King Yue Goujian"("越王勾践") , endure, yield, pretend succeed, is it good? Does King Yue Goujian worth learning from? He detest this person. After King Yue succeed, what did he do? He awarded Minister Wenzhong a precious sword. Minister Wenzhong helped him to be successful. He said, "mister has given me seven ways to eliminate Wu Kingdom. I used three to conquer Wu Kingdom. I have no use for the last four ways, so mister can use for yourself." Too vicious. Fanyu actually noticed this and told Wenzhong that they should leave immediately after success. "After the cunning hare is killed,the hound is boiled. When all birds are shot the bow will be set aside"("狡兔死 走狗烹 高鸟尽 良弓藏"). Wenzhong refused to listen and finally committed suicide. What is the significance of King Yue after such succeed? His pretend, endure and yield only made him "a psychopath".("心里变态"). He totally flipped. After success, he went to vent his frustration. So do not simply say what Laozi said is right or wrong, we must understand why we need to be concern about behavior. LaoZi is unable to answer. Even Laozi advocates "inaction"("无为". Another meaning is "letting things take their own course"), Laozi's "inaction"("无为") is unreal. In practical terms it is still needs "action" ("有为"). it is action through inaction("无为而无不为"). This is an adventurist("野心家"). The person who can answer why we are concern about behavior("做人") is the third most important person in Taoism, Zhuangzi.
Zhuangzi is very difficult to say. LaoZi too. Various sages(诸子)as well.
There is a story in Zhuangzi. Qi Huaigong was reading during "court"("堂上"). There is a carpenter named "Lunbian"("轮扁") according to the book below court making a cart wheel.
Lunbian asked, "Your "Sovereign"("君主"), what are you doing?"
Huaigong replied, "Reading."
Lubian asked, "What are you reading?"
Huaigong replied,""Holy"("圣贤") book."
Lubian asked, "Is the holy man still around?"
Huaigong replied, "He died."
Lubian said, "Then you are reading holy man's "rubbish"("糟粕")."
Huaigong asked,"What do you mean? Your sovereign is reading in court. Why is a carpenter talking rubbish here? If you can give me a reason, you will be excused or else."
Lubian replied, "I am a carpenter making cart wheels. I made wheels all my life. I know how to make and assemble a wheel and I can also pass on this knowledge to my son and disciples. But when the wheel is assembled on the "axle"("车轴"), if too tight, it is not flexible. If too loose, it is not secure enough. How to assemble correctly, not too loose or too tight, I really cannot say. Not able to pass on this knowledge to my disciples. Meaning such essence cannot be said. Those can be said is rubbish, so you are reading rubbish."
This is troublesome as here, he can only say rubbish on Zhuangzi. This is still not the hardest reason that Zhuangzi has to say. The main reason is Zhuangzi brought up a very "critical question"("尖锐的问题"),why is the reason for human to live? "Yangzhu"("杨朱") replied, “Since people live, live well. Living each day to the fullest"("人既然活着,那就好好活着。过好自己的每一天。"). This is still a reply but there is a problem with the reply. What do you mean by "live well"("好好活着")? What is "living each day to the fullest"("过好每一天")? Indulge in eating and drinking? Traveling? Lots of money? Zhuangzi's reply is "authentic and live freely"(真实而自由地活着) .
Zhuangzi advocates in life (庄子对人生的定义):
- 真实
- 自由
Zhuangzi has a story.
"Old Dan"(老聃) pass away. His friend came to his funeral to give "condolences"("吊唁"). He cried three times and stopped.
Old Dan's student asked, "Mister, are you my master's friend?"
Friend said, "Yes. We are good friends."
Old Dan's student asked, "Since you are such good friends, never seen people give condolences like you."
Friend said, "I initially wanted to come and cry my heart out but when I came in, I saw many people crying. I thought are they all friends of your late master? Not possible, right? Therefore those who came, must have people who do not want to cry but still cried. Have no grieve but acted grieve. This is "fake"("虚伪"). Therefore, I only cried three times and stopped."
From this story, we can see that Zhuangzi "advocates authenticity"("主张真实") and "freedom"("自由"). Zhuangzi said eagles are meant to fly in the sky. Fishes are meant to swim in the water. This is freedom. Zhuangzi and HuiZi is debate on "The fish are out swimming about. That is the 'Joy of Fish.'"(“儵鱼出游从容,是鱼之乐也”(《庄子·秋水》). He said this because he is free. Fishes swimming freely in the water, this is authentic living. Therefore authentic and freedom living is "recklessness"(“率性”). Whichever kind of person you are, you live your own way of life. What does that means? Is it mean that poor people chose to live in hardship, and rich people live in prosperity? No. Zhuangzi does not have living in hardship or prosperity, only real or fictitious living. For example, Mozi(墨子) is willing to live in hardship. Then living in hardship is good for him. If you are unwilling to live in hardship and someone forced you to do that, then it is wrong. It is this meaning.
Zhuangzi has a chapter on Horses' Hoofs《庄子·马蹄》. The horse's hoofs can treading frost and snow. Their coats for keeping out wind and cold. Drinks when there is water, eats grass when there is grass. Gallop freely on grassland. This is horses' free and authentic living. But came a guy named Bole(伯乐). He said he can train horses and put on martingale and puts on horseshoes. This A third of the horses died. Then trains the horse to take orders. Half of the horses died. Zhuangzi said, "Even if this horse is an olympic champion, so what? Not authentic and free at all. Therefore, ZhuangZi said everyone should not take their own lifestyle and perspective and force it onto others. Everyone has their own choices. Maybe it looks like hardship to you but if you provide them what you think is good for them, they suffers.
Zhuangzi have another story《庄子·至乐》. There is a bird flew to Lu capital. The marquis of Lu was delighted and want to treat the bird well. He kept it in a golden cage and laid "a feast in front of the cage with musician playing music"("钟鸣鼎食"). However, the bird refused to eat and drink and finally died. It was scared to death. Does marquis of Lu has any bad intention? No. Good intention but messes things.
Even if you truly have no bad intention on forcing people your lifestyle and perspective, it is still wrong. If you have any bad intentions, it is even worse.
Zhuangzi has another story《庄子·达生》about a official in-charge of sacrifice rituals. Once he visited a pigsty. These pigs were meant to be used as sacrifices in a ritual. The official thinks that pigs are depressed and wanted to chat with pigs. He dressed proper and spoke to the pig, "Why are you scared of dying? I will treat you well, fatten you for three months with the best food. Ten days before killing you, will bath you well and fast. Finally, will lay clean hay for you to rest. Then lay your shoulders and rump on the carved sacrificial stand. What do you think?" The pig said nothing. If he was the pig, he would reply, "So what?" Zhuangzi said if you really care for the pig, you should let it stay in the pigsty and eat chaff. Zhuangzi also said humans are the same. The best way of living is the choice that you made for yourself. The kind of life you look forward to. Not just because everyone thinks there is the best way of living, you sacrificed your freedom for your pursue of authentic living. But now everyone wanted to to live in prosperity in life and honorable upon death. Keep thinking of after death, where to bury and what ritual to perform. Zhuangzi said isn't this the same as lay your shoulders and rump on the carved sacrificial stand? This logic even pigs understands but humans don't?
What is Zhuangzi's attitude towards living? Confucius has a saying, "Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you." (“己所不欲,勿施于人”《论语·颜渊》). This phrase is very amazing. Zhuangzi is more advance than Confucius, by saying "Even if you like it, do not do to others"("己所甚欲,也勿施于人。"). This is impressive. Our biggest mistake is forcing people with good intentions to do what they are unwilling to do. What will you do in such a situation? If an adult, must learn to say "NO." Learn to reject. Where did Zhuangzi get such perspective? From Laozi. Therefore we always say LaoZhuang philosophy (老庄哲学).
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