Insightful views on becoming more aware of the nonsense we are doing to ourselves, morality of work, maintaining mental and physical health, your "identity", handling total leisure, kills boredom, attain true success, financial freedom, mastering the moment, don't worry, aloneness, negative people and retirement planning. Highlights from the book:
- Peak performers work smarter, not harder.
- The deeper individuals identified with jobs, the harder experiencing life of total leisure.
- Being creative to design your routines and schedule around your leisure time. Put purpose in daily activities. Retirement involves pursuing activities expressing our true selves.
- Without confines of workplace, you gain freedom to think, reflect and act.
- Develop many interests and enjoy leisure while you are still working
- You are what you do. If you do boring, stupid, monotonous work, chances are you’ll end up boring, stupid and monotonous. — Bob Black
- If leading boring life to earn big money, you are poor no matter how much you earn.
- Financial success is shallow if fulfilment, virtue and true happiness are missing.
- Hardest way achieving success is having someone else defining it for you.
- Attain true success, we must clarify what we want in life. The biggest problem is when we get what we think we want, it isn’t what we truly want.
- That man is richest, whose pleasures are cheapest.
- The more out of step with society, the greater chances for self-discovery, adventure and happiness in this world.
- Joy comes from the satisfaction of total immersion in doing something worthwhile.
- Don’t mistake pleasure for happiness. They are a different breed of dog. — Josh Billings
- Staying physically and mentally active is easiest way to retire happy, wild and free.
- The now holds the key to freedom and peace of mind.
- Learning to do one thing at a time, is crucial for mastering the moment.
- The fastest way to any destination is slowing down and take it easy.
- True success, contributes to satisfaction, peace of mind and happiness, requires action, but also patience.
- To overcome loneliness, we must learn how spending our time alone creatively.
- Only way effectively deal with negative people: eliminate them from your life.
- You show wisdom well beyond your age when you truly accept money can’t buy contentment and peace of mind.
- Security based on external possessions is one of life’s greatest illusions.
- True security is an internal state of being, not by how much money individual acquires.
- Financial independence is having more money coming in than going out.
- Realize cutting back on lifestyle and expenses won’t leave you deprived and how little you need.
- Now is not the time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is. — Ernest Hemingway
- The way to be happy is to express gratitude for what you have.
- People prepared for retirement both financially and psychologically view it as “a whole new life” or a “continuation of life as it was.”
- Never think oldish thoughts. It’s oldish thoughts that make a person old. — James A. Farley
- Emphasize simplicity. You can experience intense pleasure from many basic things in life.
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