"Contemplation" is a very important practice in Buddhism. It will bring unlimited benefit to our lives, regardless of our profession or social stature. But what is the objective of contemplation?
1. We must carefully examine our relationship with our fellow human beings to see if we have brought harm to them.
2. We must carefully examine the way we treat our material possessions to see if we have been wasteful.
3. We must carefully examine the way we accumulate our wealth to see if we have engaged in any unlawful acts.
4. We must carefully examine our love for others to see if we have indulged in any irrational behavior.
5. We must carefully examine our relationship with society to see if we have interacted improperly therewith.
6. We must carefully examine our minds to see if we have achieved the state of mental purity.
Very often, people have the tendency to neglect the "self" and to concentrate their minds on others' faults. Very often people have a tendency to judge a book by its cover and overlook its contents. Without and be troubled by worries. If we want to understand our relationship with the society that we are a part of and we want to achieve mental soundness, we must actively engage ourselves in reflection and introspection.
The Heart Sutra says, "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was moving freely in the deep course of wisdom when he beheld the five aggregates, and saw that in their own being, they were empty." Only when we arrive at an understanding of "contemplation" can we become a bodhisattva of true "freeness." Only when we have gained insight into the true nature of the five aggregates can we overcome all suffering.
The Sutra of Contemplation of Amatiyus, also called the Sutra of Sixteen Contemplations, teaches different kinds of contemplations. Similarly, if we can behold in our mind the moon, the sun, the water and the earth, we will be one with nature. If we can contemplate the true nature of all existence, our minds will be one with all phenomena. With such insight, we will rid ourselves of all miseries and receive infinite joy.
When the Buddha taught, he would first seek to understand the temperament of his listener. When a doctor treats a patient, he will first diagnose the nature of the illness. When a farmer plants the seeds of next sea-son's harvest, he first observes the weather pattern. When a parent asks a child to complete a task, he will know firsthand the limitations of his offspring. Therefore, to have success in our undertakings, we must have proper understanding and observation.
To have contemplation is to have harmony. To have contemplation is to have support and relevance. To have contemplation is to have satisfaction and pleasantness. To have contemplation is to set foot on the path of enlightenment. For a businessman, "contemplation" means market research. For a developer, "contemplation" means land survey. For a politician, "contemplation" means a thorough understanding of peoples' problems and needs.
If a person knows how to contemplate, he will have insight into the relationship of cause and effect. If a person is willing to contemplate, he will have a firm grasp on the true nature of existence. A practitioner of Buddhist meditation has the ability to rediscover his Buddha Nature through introspection. He has the ability to calm his mind through insightful contemplation. Once the dust has been wiped off and the Buddha Nature resurfaces, there is no doubt in one's mind that life will be complete. There will be absolute completeness, with nothing to add or subtract.

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