The satisfaction of giving can only be experienced, not explained. Like drugs, they can be addictive.
—— Dickson Idlier
I have been supporting the 'Filiporean Project' for a while. I have done this close to 10 times already. Useful stuff that I found in the dumpster could be used by people who need them.
This is the recent collection on 7 February 2021 from another group of ladies from Marjorie's team. Ivy is the leader. As usual, I would pack most of the stuff I am giving into plastic boxes (I also dumpster dives these). Then placed them in my dining room as this is the only spare space in my flat for this activity.

The ladies came after 1 pm as there were some hiccups on the people coming over. So left 3 instead of 5 ladies. I am glad this group came as they took all my stuff so I don't have to throw any away. It only took about 1.5 hours to pack my stuff into their bags. Very fast.

These ladies seem eager to packed the stuff I have into their boxes so they can ship it back to their hometown.

This concludes my 7 Feb giveaway post.

Related posts: Uniquely Freegans In Singapore, One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure, Joy Of Giving & Sustainable Charity : Filiporean Project
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