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Showing posts from July, 2021

QuotesofWisdom: Marriage

Marriage is one of the things in life that requires two people to put in the effort to succeed. It is the biggest decision to take and a lifetime to fulfil it. It is all about  BALANCE . The balance is crucial. Only when being able to find the correct balance and consistently adjusting it will you achieve aa blissful marriage.  —— Dickson Idlier

QuotesofWisdom: Wish Them Well and Let Them Go

Speak only to those who want to listen. Else silence is the best response. Getting rid of some people not worthy in your life is inevitable. You need to let go to free yourself from them. So have you let it go already?  —— Dickson Idlier

QuotesofWisdom: Be Happy With What You Have

Contentment is a bliss. You will find happiness with what we already have so there is no need for any external influence. You will realize that you only need so little to be 'rich' in your own way (memories, experiences, etc) so you don't waste too much time earning money.   —— Dickson Idlier

QuotesofWisdom: There Is Nothing To Compare

Why compare yourself with others? It is not an apple to apple comparison at all. Each of us has different lives to live and a purpose to fulfil. Just be who you are and be good at it as well. You will be surprised what is the outcome.   —— Dickson Idlier You are who you are. Life is unfair but it is up to you to do what you can do. Be content with what you have and you will be one of the happier people against hordes of unhappy people in this society. I believe to get out of current society (rat race) is to create your own or join others' simplicity society.  —— Dickson Idlier

IdlierQuotes: Never Argue With A Fool

Image by  Borko Manigoda  from  Pixabay Never argue with a fool. It only wastes your time and effort. It is an insult to your intelligence. If you do, then it is your eagerness to win at fault. Then don’t complain people not listening to you. Stupid! —— Dickson Idlier Sometimes silence is the best reply. Not worth wasting time thinking what is the best way to respond.  —— Dickson Idlier

闲人语录 — 千万不跟一个傻瓜争辩

Image by Borko Manigoda from Pixabay 千万不要跟一个傻瓜争辩。这只会浪费您的时间和精力。如果你这样做,那时无为的好胜心作祟。那就不要抱怨人家不听你的。愚蠢! —— 闲人·迪克森

BrainTeasers: Migration Thoughts

s Image from : The grass is not always greener on the other side until you experienced it yourself. —— Dickson Idlier For those planning to migrate to a foreign country to retire, this post may be useful for your research.  I initially wanted to migrate to Thailand but changed my mind. Here’s why: Money. Need lots of money if you intend to retire overseas for things like rental, transport, expenses, utilities, taxes, insurance, etc. May require setting aside a huge sum of money to show you can sustain yourself when applying for a visa. Difference in currency exchange rates helps. Major consideration.  Medical Coverage. No medical coverage overseas and as medical expenses are pretty high overseas, regardless of which country. Buying insurance is an option but it eats into your expenses and you would likely pay a higher premium due to your age. Citizenship. Unless being a citizen or permanen...

脑筋急转弯: 迁移的想法

图片取自 : [ 另一边的草并不总是更绿,除非你亲自体验过。— 闲人.迪克森] 我最初想移居泰国,但后来改变了主意。原因如下: 钱。 如果您打算在国外退休,将需要很多钱。诸如租金(包括房屋,车辆等),费用,水电费,税金,保险等之类的东西。您可能需要拨出大笔资金,以证明您在签证时可以维持在外国银行的身分。主要考虑。 医疗保险。 海外没有医疗保险,而且无论您身在哪个国家/地区,海外医疗费用都很高。购买保险是一种选择,但它会增加您的费用,并且您可能会因年龄而支付更高的保费。 国籍。 除非您是外国公民,否则优惠和特权仅限于您自己的国家/地区。因此,权衡利弊。 签证。根据国家/地区的不同,在国外的退休可能有也可能没有退休签证或类似签证。持这种签证,可能由于某些限制,例如不能就业等。 语言。 如果您流利,或者对退休国家了解足够的简单外语,也许会更容易。否则,当您呆在那儿时,您可能会更加无所事事。您永远不会知道您将在海外面对什么样的人,但是了解他们的语言很容易认识这个人。 亲戚或朋友。 如果您已经有亲戚或朋友住在那里,可能会更容易融入,但事实并非如此。人际关系脆弱,因此,如果这是您要退休的原因,请明智地考虑。对他们有效的方法可能对您无效。

BrainTeasers: Drowning In Sea Of Desire (Debts)

 Image from : The desire to upgrade is the biggest trap created by humans for humans. Not many realize it. Being unhappy with work and constantly comparing with other people, they will never feel satisfied and search for solitude in these upgrades but only getting into more debts. You should think: Is this the life you want? If NO, stop upgrading and start living. —— Dickson Idlier Are you always thinking of getting a bigger house, a bigger or faster car, the latest gadget, or a prettier wife? If you are, do you realize that you are in deep trouble and unable to get out of it? Such desires stem from society, religion and commercials, feeling the need to upgrade, get something bigger, latest gadgets, or just change to a better, improved, or newer model of the same product. Most of the time, it is logical to go for faster, newer, bigger stuff. But the implications are bigger than you think. Below are some observations: Constantly in the cycle of making ...

iSAVvy: Financial Independence — The Highs

You need to grow your money without working to be financially independent. Image from: Image by  Tumisu  from  Pixabay I am not a financial consultant. What I wrote here is purely my opinion. The highs are savings, investments, and assets. The easiest to start is savings and start saving as young as possible. Reducing your expenditure equates to savings, as mentioned in the earlier post. Understand how to invest and pay someone to advise you, like a private financial consultant. Such things are better at the hands of professionals but not impossible to do it yourself nowadays. Just that I am too lazy to monitor my investments. What you invest depends on you but I prefer unit trusts that provide payouts each month. This ensures I can get a steady income without working and easily calculate how much I can receive every month. I am not familiar with others. Assets should generate income, not lose income. A car is a liability and a house is a liability unless you rent it out....

iSAVvy: Financial Independence — The Lows

Low on cash? What have you been spending on? Image from: Photo by  cottonbro  from  Pexels Financial independence is essentially able to sustain your lifestyle with the amount of money you have without working. This is one of life’s most difficult problems everyone has and many are unable to overcome it. —— Dickson Idlier I am not a financial consultant. What I wrote here is purely my opinion. The road to my financial independence is essentially be low on debts and expenses and high in investments and assets. How to control your expenses and debts depends on what is essential to you. I prefer rejecting any instalments (debts) whenever possible and have a simple lifestyle. After these, then build up your savings, investments and assets. This is how I did without many details but I think it is the easiest to get started. Ways to keep a low debt and expenses: Food is essential but not all kinds of food. Try keeping food expenses low but not compromising on quality. Reduce ...

QuotesofWisdom: Your Money

Image by  Borko Manigoda  from  Pixabay Your money is truly yours only upon spending it. Not your salary or savings in the bank. Not some fix assets or investment you made. Why not? Because these money that you “earned” that is supposedly yours is actually not yours yet. However, if you were to die now, all yours will be handed over to someone else right? That is why owning something is useless unless you use it, or in this context, spend it. —— Dickson Idlier * I must emphasize that I do not mean spending all the money you have and don’t plan for the future. Spend money wisely, buying essentials is justifiable. Over-consumerism is not. My opinion is leaving money to your family members is best with a mixture of insurance and investment, especially your spouse and children. But they need to rely on themselves as well. Knowing how to live is better than a fat bank account.

QuotesofWisdom: Forgive But Not Forget

Don't treat my kindness as my weakness. Knowing but doesn't show means I still treat you as a friend. Overdo it and we are done!   ——Dickson Idlier 

@Lifestyle: Uniquely Freegans In Singapore

Image from : This post discusses the Freegans in Singapore (FIS) differences compared to other countries. Don’t totally rejects consumerism FIS doesn’t reject consumerism due to laws and a different mindset compared to other countries’ freegans. Basic human needs like food, shelter and medical are main areas that FIS still have to pay. Even if you can find expired food or vegetables, FIS in general, like me, still spend money on food, like cultured milk drinks, join social gatherings and food that we liked. It is illegal to pitch tents and living in beaches and parks or any public places. For shelter in land-scarce Singapore, we stay in government flats. Even after paying the loan for the flat, there are also recurring expenses like utilities, taxes and fees. Medical services are expensive, even with government grants. So FIS pay insurances. Working Less Not all freegans in Singapore can stop working. For those who are not working, we are l...

@另类生活方式: 新加坡独特地不消费者

图片取自: 这篇文章讨论了新加坡不消费者(FIS)与其他国家的不同之处。 不完全拒绝消费主义 与其他国家的自由主义者相比,不消费者在新加坡并没有完全拒绝由于法律和不同心态而产生的消费主义。 不消费者在新加坡仍然必须支付诸如食物,住房和医疗等基本的人类需求。即使您可以找到过期的食物或蔬菜,不消费者在新加坡总体而言,像我一样,仍然会花钱在食物上,例如养殖牛奶饮料,参加社交聚会和我们喜欢的食物。 搭帐篷住在海滩,公园或任何公共场所都是违法的。为了在土地稀缺的新加坡提供庇护,我们住在政府组屋。即使在偿还了住房贷款之后,也存在日常性费用,例如水电费,税收等。 即使获得政府津贴,医疗服务也很昂贵。因此,不消费者在新加坡购买保险。 少工作 并非所有不消费者在新加坡都能停止工作。对于那些没有工作的人来说,我们依靠的是储蓄或投资收益。政府通过针对低收入新加坡人的计划提供额外的政府支持。 大多数的不消费者在新加坡的有工作来支付账单或养家糊口,因此我们是部分的不消费者。 分享 在大多数国家/地区,但在不消费者在新加坡中,共享是很常见的。 FILIPOREAN PROJECT,由“新加坡F不消费者”创始人,科林.刘 发起。 不消费者在新加坡成员将垃圾箱中的潜水用品交给200名菲律宾家庭佣工。通常运费由他们或捐助者支付。这是新加坡最大的支持菲律宾穷人的非官方慈善机构。由不同地区组成的较小的共享组用whatsapp或Telegram应用程式来共享。

@Lifestyle: Freeganism

Image from: Freeganism is an ideology of limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources, particularly through recovering wasted goods like food and merchandise. Freegans—at least in theory—avoid consumerism in general. Freeganism is often presented as synonymous with “dumpster diving” for discarded food, although freegans are distinguished by their association with an anti-consumerist and anti-capitalist ideology and their engagement in a wider range of alternative living strategies, such as voluntary unemployment, squatting in abandoned buildings, and “guerrilla gardening” in unoccupied city parks. Above information is extracted from Wikipedia. Freeganisim reduces consumption by finding useful or edible things from trash. A form of recycling and exchange for cash for most freegans. It is the most environmental friendly lifestyle, except stone age. —— Dickson Idlier Freeganism, in my opinion, is an extreme lif...


图片取自: 不消费主义是对常规经济的有限参与和对资源的消耗最小的意识形态,特别是通过回收浪费的商品(如食品和商品)。 不消费者 (Freegans) 至少在理论上至少避免了消费主义。 不消费者者通常被视为废弃食品的“垃圾站跳水”的代名词。尽管人们将不消费者者与反消费主义者和反资本主义意识形态联系在一起,并参与更广泛的替代性生活策略,但,例如自愿失业,住在废弃的建筑物中,在闲置的城市公园中进行“游击园艺”。 以上信息摘自 (也被已翻译) Wikipedia 。 不消费主义通过从垃圾中找到有用或可食的东西来减少消费。一种回收和交换现金的形式。除石器时代外,这是最环保的生活方式。 — 闲人·迪克森 我认为,不消费主义是一种极端的生活方式,不是任何人都能追求的。您将损失很多,但也将获得更多的时间,少工作或不工作的自由,生存的本能,更多的内心平静和做自己。通过限制花钱,您会想到一些新颖的方式来获得所需的东西,这与极简主义有些相似。这是最可持续的生活方式,更适合我们的环境。减少碳足迹,回收或再利用没人想要的资源。 在深入研究之后,我注意到它包括两项有趣的活动:垃圾箱潜水以及共享和/或赠送东西。这些活动引起了我的注意,我将在其他帖子中分享更多详细信息。 相关帖文 : 新加坡独特地不消费者 , 【物之貴賤,因人而異, 物之贵贱】

@Livestyle: Minimalism

Image from: Minimalism is keeping what is essential and getting rid of the rest. A state of mind, going beyond materialistic objects, relationships, mentality and the way of life. —— Dickson Idlier Popular quotes from famous minimalists: Minimalism is a tool to rid yourself of life’s excess in favour of focusing on what’s important—so you can find happiness, fulfilment, and freedom.  —— TheMinimalists Minimalism as a philosophy. —— Colin Wright Minimalism is a way of eschewing the non-essential in order to focus on what’s truly important, what gives our lives meaning, what gives us joy and value. —— Leo Babauta I got to know minimalism after I found freeganism. Its concept and ways resonate with me but are not suitable for me in a way. I can only choose to adopt their concepts mentally for now.  Current society is overwhelmed with busyness, buying or upgrading stuff, getting into deeper debt, make more money and clutter our ...

@Lifestyle: Downshifting

  Image from: “Downshifting means working towards simple living by making conscious choices to leave materialism behind and move on to a more sustainable lifestyle.” — Choosing Voluntary Simplicity(1) “The act of reducing one’s standard of living for an improved quality of life.” — Investopedia(2) “Downshifters are people who adopt long-term voluntary simplicity in their life. They accept less money through fewer hours worked in order to have time for the important things in life. Downshifters also place emphasis on consuming less in order to reduce their ecological footprint … Basically downshifters seek a life filled with more passion and purpose, meaning, fulfillment and happiness. A life to look back on with no regrets. Downshifters want to slow down at work in order to ‘upshift’ in others areas of their lives. For most people the change to a slow life through downshifting comes after a long quest for true happiness and fulfillment.” — Sl...

@另类生活方式: 减速生活 “降低生活水平以提高生活质量的行为。” — Investopedia “……减速生活者,一个已经决定在自己的职业生涯中,更多并不总会变得更好的人。尽管总有一些退出企业者讨厌所谓的“老鼠赛跑”,但低调的人只是希望生活更加平衡。他们可能会选择退出公司生活,或者只是通过减少压力较大和耗时的工作来简化生活,以更加节俭的生活方式来弥补收入的下降。” —《华尔街日报》 以上来源来自 simple living/。如果你有兴趣了解降档生活方式,这篇文章值得一读。 减速生活是迈向简单之路的第一步。 — 闲人·迪克森 减速生活也提倡简单的生活方式。它主要关注生活的三个外部方面: 消费 — 有目的的购买。坚持基本需求。更少的支出意味着更少的债务和不能带来欢乐的东西。 事业 — 少工作,多生活。不要忙着你的工作。减少工作时间或者找一份要求不高的工作。 生活方式 — 简单,健康,更环保。整理房子。把对你重要的事情放在首位并坚持下去。花更多的时间在个人发展上,培养一个新的爱好,和家人出去或者在公园散步。 我发现减速生活对心理健康的改善作用有限。忙碌不仅是我们社会的步伐,而且是我们的思想。有必要努力使“猴子的思想”平静下来,才能真正享受您的生活。但是减速生活是迈向简单之路的第一步。

BrainTeasers: More Bundled Mobile Data, Time Flashes In A Blink Of An Eye

Are you a couch potato? You reap what you sow. You cannot blame anyone for your actions.  —— Dickson Idlier

Welcome & Blog Topics Summary Post

Welcome to Dickson Idlier Blog Site.  This post is mainly to highlight what are the specific topics that I would like to share. It would be easier for anyone to search based on their interests. If there is more, will update this post. Specific topics I would be writing on: @Lifestyle  — Alternative lifestyle that you can consider switching. Also includes some indepth sharing regarding different lifestyles. Worth a look if you are thinking about this. BrainTeasers — To set you thinking and can be anything that I want to share. iSAVvy — Dwells in the subject of savings. Mainly financial related topics or activities that saves something such as time or money. IdlierQuotes  — Quotes that I found and added my opinions to it. IdlierStories  — Meaningful stories I found in Facebook that I would like to share.  QuotesofWisdom — Short pictorial quotes with my comments. Can be from Buddhism, Minimalism...

How I Got To Where I Am Now

  When lack of desires leads to a simple life, you know you can survive anywhere.  —— Dickson Idlier Previously worked as an IT security professional but was riddled with stress and dissatisfaction with my life. Self-diagnosed with depression but overcame it myself. Then left my last position in Aug 2017 and rested for a year to find new meaning and direction to my life. Discovered dumpster diving and decided to retire from work at 43 in 2018. I made additional investment plans during 2018 to ensure I have monthly payouts to cover my expenses. I mainly relied on my savings to survive but dumpster diving allows me to find food to eat to survive and merchandise to use and give away (Filiporean charity Project). I have a simple lifestyle, more like in the middle between freegan and minimalist lifestyles. You only need food to survive, shelter over your head, a free form of entertainment and regular exercises to stay healthy. Heath is the only "wealth" you ever need.