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Showing posts from November, 2020

BrainTeasers:《中英》Excellence Not Anger by Master Hsing Yun

Picture taken from : 星雲大師弘法資料平台 Facebook Group Excellence Not Anger According to the First Noble Truth of Suffering, there are eight kinds of suffering in life, and hatred is one of them. It brings unspeakable suffering and arises when we encounter undesirable people or situations. Although our parents and teachers have repeatedly taught us to control our anger, we often ignore their advice and easily get angry with people and things in all kinds of situations. For example, I might be furious because you were not friendly or respectful. I might even resent you because you are better than I am or have a different view. Your success or wealth might agitate me. Your meaningless glance or words might enrage me just because I am too sensitive. No matter what the situation is, if I make up my mind to be angry and resentful, nothing will stop this powerful emotion from arising. People are too quick to unleash their anger, and as a result, an air of tension and negativity permeates our society...

《中英》Contemplation by Master Hsing Yun

From Facebook Group: 佛光世界-云水天下 星雲大師點撥 《迷悟之間》:觀照一切 佛教有一個修行的法門,名為「觀照」。凡今日社會人士,不管士農工商、政經名流,甚至演藝人員等,如果能夠懂得「觀照」,在生活中必有幫助。 「觀照」什麼呢? 第一、觀照我與他人的關係;自問我是否有負於他人? 第二、觀照我與物質的關係;自問我是否有浪費物資? 第三、觀照我與金錢的關係;自問我是否有無理聚斂? 第四、觀照我與情愛的關係;自問我是否有濫用感情? 第五、觀照我與社會的關係;自問我是否有與社會互動? 第六、觀照我與自心的關係;自問我是否做到心地清淨? 人,往往只看到別人,看不到自己;看到表面,看不到內心。由於自他的「觀照」不夠,無法明白真相,因此產生煩惱。假如我們懂得「觀照」自己,常常自我反省,明白我與社會人間的關係,才能自我健全。 《般若心經》說:「觀自在菩薩行深般若波羅蜜多時,照見五蘊皆空」。因為懂得「觀照」,才能成為「自在」菩薩;因為「照見五蘊皆空」,才能「度一切苦厄」。 《觀無量壽經》又名《十六觀經》,例如觀日、觀月、觀水、觀地等;如果對大地山河、日月星辰,都能在內心裏有安放的地位,自然就會我心與外境調和、本體和現象一致,如此觀照,又何能不離苦得樂? 佛陀說教,要「觀照」眾生的根機,才能觀機逗教;醫生要觀察患者的病症,才能對症下藥;農夫要觀看天時氣候,才能適時播種;父母要求子女,也要明白子女的根性,才能給予適性教育。 所謂觀照,才能彼此和諧;所謂觀照,才能彼此相應;所謂觀照,才能如魚得水;所謂觀照,吾人才能得道。 經商的人,要做市場調查,這就是觀照;建築大樓,要對土地環境了解,這就是觀照;從政的人,苦思解決民間社會的問題,這都是觀照。 會觀照的人,能夠探測因緣的關係;能觀照的人,能夠深入了解事相的內容。禪者觀心,心中有佛;淨人念佛,佛在心中。心中有佛,佛在心中,還怕人生會不圓滿嗎?            Contemplation "Contemplation" is a very important practice in Buddhism. It will bring unlimited benefit to our lives, regardless of our profession or social stature. But w...