Picture taken from : 星雲大師弘法資料平台 Facebook Group Excellence Not Anger According to the First Noble Truth of Suffering, there are eight kinds of suffering in life, and hatred is one of them. It brings unspeakable suffering and arises when we encounter undesirable people or situations. Although our parents and teachers have repeatedly taught us to control our anger, we often ignore their advice and easily get angry with people and things in all kinds of situations. For example, I might be furious because you were not friendly or respectful. I might even resent you because you are better than I am or have a different view. Your success or wealth might agitate me. Your meaningless glance or words might enrage me just because I am too sensitive. No matter what the situation is, if I make up my mind to be angry and resentful, nothing will stop this powerful emotion from arising. People are too quick to unleash their anger, and as a result, an air of tension and negativity permeates our society...
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