Excellence Not Anger
According to the First Noble Truth of Suffering, there are eight kinds of suffering in life, and hatred is one of them. It brings unspeakable suffering and arises when we encounter undesirable people or situations.
Although our parents and teachers have repeatedly taught us to control our anger, we often ignore their advice and easily get angry with people and things in all kinds of situations. For example, I might be furious because you were not friendly or respectful. I might even resent you because you are better than I am or have a different view. Your success or wealth might agitate me. Your meaningless glance or words might enrage me just because I am too sensitive. No matter what the situation is, if I make up my mind to be angry and resentful, nothing will stop this powerful emotion from arising.
People are too quick to unleash their anger, and as a result, an air of tension and negativity permeates our society. Everywhere we turn, we see acts of violence, and anywhere we go, we are assaulted by a strong sense of hatred and resentment. It seems like everyone is on edge and ready to explode. Although we were taught to be patient and reasonable, we can never stay calm and clear-minded when failure and hardships rear their ugly heads in life. Instead of fighting for our sanity, we choose to give in to anger and spite.
"Excellence, not anger" is a proverb of lasting value. Striving to excel is not to strive for temporary excellence but to seek lasting strength for the right and the just. It is to combat evil with righteousness and narrow-mindedness with tolerance and to cultivate the "Great Spirit of Nobility." These should be our standards when we praise and follow the examples of wise ancient sages and the noble virtues of benevolent people.
Striving to excel is to not be discouraged by temporary setbacks, but to strive vigorously to improve even after failure. It is not to lose determination or ambition when we encounter setbacks, but to rejuvenate by dedicating our efforts to future success. We need to be people of integrity who inspire courage and greatness. If we fight our way through adversities and frustrations and turn grief and indignation into formidable strength by the sheer force of our will, we can achieve a better future and a brighter outlook.
Why does anger invade our hearts and take hold of our minds? It is because we have too many pent-up resentments and frustrations. We should never allow ourselves to be let down, stay mad, or lose our strength, because we should know that a deflated ball has no use whatsoever. Only by not letting ourselves down can we acquire a position of invincibility.
If we want to strive for success and never give up our quest, we must first have the determination to improve and the courage to conduct our-selves properly. Without a strong will, we lack the power that is necessary to propel us upward, and without the strength to excel and not give up, it will be impossible for us to steer clear of anger and resentment. Therefore, by having a strong resolve to better ourselves, we will have nothing to worry about in our lives.
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