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Showing posts from July, 2022

BrainTeasers: Cross Fire 穿越火线

Image from: Country: China Genre: Gaming, Time Travel Release Date: 2020 Rating:  ★★★ ★★ I just finished watching this drama on This is one of the best dramas that I have ever watched, especially since it is on esport. Initially, I wanted to watch it due to an esport drama, but it turned out to be such an excellent drama.  The drama is about 2 esport players for Crossfire game, XiaoFeng (Seven), a team leader for 1coin team in the year 2008 and another is XiaoBei (North), team leader for Continue team in the year 2019.  They somehow managed to contact each other through this game during an accident. With this encounter, they later managed to realize who each other is and they helped each other during different time eras to try to make some changes that happened. Through this, XiaoFeng managed to win the first CrossFire competition in China and XiaoBei managed to form an esport team and continued to compete CrossFire as a professional player. ...


图片取自: 极简主义正在保留必要的内容,并摆脱其余的内容。一种心理状态,超越了唯物主义的对象,人际关系,心态和生活方式。 —— 闲人·迪克森 著名极简主义者的流行语录: 极简主义是摆脱自己过剩生活的工具,而是专注于重要的事情,因此您可以找到幸福,成就感和自由。 — 极简主义者   极简主义是一种哲学。 — 柯林 · 赖特 极简主义是一种回避非本质的方式,以专注于什么才是真正重要的,什么让我们的生活有意义,什么给我们带来快乐和价值。- —利奥 · 巴博塔 当前的社会忙于忙碌,购买或升级东西,陷入更深的债务,赚更多的钱并使我们的房子杂乱不堪。每个人都认为生活充裕的金钱和事物正在为他们的未来带来幸福感,但事实并非如此。 极简主义恰恰相反。这是一种简单的生活方式。免于过度的财产和分心。从最简单的事情中找到快乐。 极简主义旨在实现: 放慢你的步伐。给自己更多的时间去做对你重要的事情。 将支出减少到仅用于基本内容。 根据对您至关重要的内容,您可以决定保留什么以及出售,赠与或抛弃什么。 (整理杂物的技巧无处不在。只需进行搜索即可。) 随着您的前进,微调您拥有的基本内容。少即是多。 然后慢慢地把这个概念运用到你的人际关系、心态和生活方式上。这是最好的部分,因为它适用于任何地方。 试试吧!

脑筋急转弯: 来自《你能不能不工作》一书中有深刻见解观点

图片取自: 微博 有见地的观点,让我们更加意识到我们对自己做的无稽之谈,工作道德,保持身心健康,您的“身份”,处理完全的休闲,消除无聊,获得真正的成功,经济独立,掌握当下,不要担心,孤独,消极的人和退休计划。本书亮点:

脑筋急转弯: 给予的喜悦和可持续慈善:菲利波项目

您无需“富有”也可以给予任何人,尤其是陌生人。只需要有同情心和愿意付出。 —— Dickson Idlier “菲利波项目”是由新加坡弗里根创始人科林·刘发起的。该项目从公共捐助者那里收集可用的小物品(脸谱网“赠送和接受免费物品”组的帖子中的详细信息)或从新加坡不消费者(FIS)垃圾箱潜水那里收集物品,并赠送给新加坡的菲律宾外籍家政工人(FDW)。他们把这些东西装进大纸箱,然后运回他们在菲律宾的家乡。他们要么自己或从捐赠者分担运费。这些运送的物品被送给他们的家人、亲戚或教会成员,因为有些人太穷了,他们连一顿饭也买不起。有些物品也会被转卖用来支付生活必需品的,比如食物、电源等。几乎是零成本和可持续的慈善活动,因为它分发别人不需要或捐赠的物品给穷人,只需要空间,时间和努力去做。听起来像当志愿者,对吗? 运送的物品正在卡车上分发。

QuotesofWisdom: Mind

Our mind dictates our actions and our actions dictate what we are. Only by changing what goes into your mind or what you think can change who you are. So try changing your thoughts first if you want to change yourself. — Dickson Idlier One needs to control the mind or the mind will control you. The way is to be aware of your thoughts but not be lead by it. Only through control of the mind can you find peace of mind and calm your mind.  — Dickson Idlier A always busy mind does not make the best decisions. Only by taming the monkey mind can your mind be truly calm and clear. Then any decision made will be the best decisions. Have you started training your mind to stay calm yet?  — Dickson Idlier

QuotesofWisdom: Trust

I value "TRUST" very much. If it is broken, you will no longer a concern to me at all. Trust broken can never be amended as crack lines still remains even forgiven. Those who experience this will understand. Just put your trust on someone who deserves it more, that's all.  — Dickson Idlier

BrainTeasers: Main Chinese speakers Profiles from my educational videos

I realized that I may have to include the profiles of the same speakers in multiple posts so I decided to summaries the main Chinese speakers that I liked and used their educational videos to translate to English for the English audience who are unfamiliar with Mandarin. Since their videos are so interesting and our unique chinese form of wisdom and thinking. These are the three main chinese speakers that I liked: Yi Zhong Tian (易中天) Yu Dan (于丹) Zeng Shi Qiang (曾仕強) He has limited videos that I think are suitable for me to put into this blog but I thinks he is a good speaker. Those interested can take a look at his videos from the "Lecture Room series". Think all are in Mandarin.  — Dickson Idlier Pictture from Yi Zhongtian 易中天 (born 8 February 1947) is a Chinese writer and historian. He is also a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Xiamen University's School of Humani...

QuotesofWisdom: Intention Not Attention

Does doing charity needs any payback? It still provides a form of assistance or comfort for the needy. Most people may think it as a win-win situation for both parties. I do agree to a certain degree that publicity to some charities can help more people, like the "Filiporean Project". The main point is the intent. Does it benefit to oneself or others?    —— Dickson Idlier  

BrainTeasers: Insightful views from "The Joy of Not Working" book

Picture taken from Insightful views on becoming more aware of the nonsense we are doing to ourselves, morality of work, maintaining mental and physical health, your "identity", handling total leisure, kills boredom, attain true success, financial freedom, mastering the moment, don't worry, aloneness, negative people and retirement planning. Highlights from the book:

BrainTeasers: Yi Zhong Tian: Laozi and Zhuangzi (百家讲坛--百家争鸣)

This is a YouTube video discussing on two ancient Chinese philosophers, Laozi and Zhuangzi with Professor Yi Zhong Tian. This show is under 百家讲坛--百家争鸣 series from CCTV. Below is the video from YouTube: 先秦诸子百家争鸣33_继往开来03:老子与庄子.avi Yi Zhongtian 易中天 (born 8 February 1947) is a Chinese writer and historian. He is also a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Xiamen University's School of Humanities. This show is under 百家讲坛--先秦诸子百家争鸣 series from CCTV.

SimplicityQuotes: Truth

If you cannot convince people who are in denial, don't bother. They are in their world of their own and they don't trust you enough to listen to you. Let them be.  — Dickson Idlier

IdlierStories: Honesty

Positive Mind Facebook Group There was a rich couple who was throwing a big new year party at their house. So they went shopping at the market where everything was of high cost and fixed price. They wanted to maintain their level of standard so didn’t mind paying for it. After purchasing all they needed, they called a porter to carry everything and drop it at their home. The porter who came was of an old age, not very healthy looking, his clothes were torn, looked as if he wasn’t even able to meet his daily needs. They asked the porter about the charges for delivering their goods at their home. The old porter quoted just a $20, a well below the market rate for delivering goods at couple’s home in his cart. Yet, the couple argued and bargained with the porter and finally settled for $15. The porter was struggling to make even one time’s meal so he needed anything he can earn. The couple was very happy thinking how well they bargained with the poor porter and paid him $15 in advance and ...

QuotesofWisdom: Gratitude

Many people do not feel grateful for what they already have or receiving from others. Gratitude is lost as people wanted more or better things. This is a sad world now. Try to be more grateful for the things around you and naturally you will be joyful for no reason. —— Dickson Idlier

QuotesofWisdom: 《中英》Respect

心靈語錄&感悟人生 Facebook Group

QuotesofWisdom: 《中英》Refrain From Being Selfish

人生正能量 Facebook Group 做任何事情要沒有私心, 心胸坦蕩,對別人無所求, 在人間做事就會有智慧。 In whatever we do, we must refrain from being selfish; we must be open-minded and desire nothing from others.Then we will have the wisdom to deal with our problems. — Dickson Idlier

QuotesofWisdom: Meditation

True meditation is not gaining anything but to lose something. Some people would argue then why do it if you losing something instead of gaining? Only those who see beyond gains and losses truly understands what is essential. Only through losing will you gain the most.   — Dickson Idlier Many people thought meditation is to control your thoughts. It is the opposite. Is actually to calm your mind by worry less, think less, make yourself less busy to do your stuff, and ultimately getting that peace of mind that you have always wanted to enjoy your present moment. How? Find time to meditate and find out. It is a simple method but not easy to do for most of us with the monkey mind, including myself.  — Dickson Idlier

QuotesofWisdom: Surprised On Humanity

Once you think about what Dalai Lama has said above, you will know that it is very true and how stupid humans are getting nowadays. I think this is a very good reply for us to reflect our actions and ponder over it and focus on the correct things. Have a simple mindset, live a simple life and have a calm and clear mind maybe want you truly need, of course with 3 basic needs(Food, Shelter and clothing). How come it sounds like what the Buddha is doing?   — Dickson Idlier

QuotesofWisdom: Peace

Having peace in your heart or a calm mind is the best condition you can achieve in whatever situation or matter you face, you will sure to overcome it or at least make the most appropriate decision at that moment. Subsequent events would lead to what comes after your response. So beware and be at peace, always.  — Dickson Idlier

QuotesofWisdom: Freedom

Impressing people by being what someone wants you to be. It gets tiring and not sustainable for too long. Be true to and others. There are always people who like you and people who don't. You don't need to impress everybody.  — Dickson Idlier

QuotesofWisdom: Way

Everyone has a survival instinct. Only shows itself in time of need. Like the phrase "Life will find a way." Be a survivor in life, keep fighting, just like that little plant growing on the wooden plank. — Dickson Idlier

QuotesofWisdom: Balance

There is always two sides of a coin, just like we need to be passive and proactive in our life at certain times or situations. Never focus on either side as you will lose out on the other. Only having a balance of both would you be able to be what you want to be.   — Dickson Idlier

QuotesofWisdom: Success

Success is not showing how rich you are or how much money you have. Most people got the misconception of success. It is how well you lived your life and how much value you have added to someone else's lives.  — Dickson Idlier